The estimated losses in sheep and cattle in Australia alone is $A1 billion and tens of billions worldwide (Roeber et al., 2013). Another study published by Meat & Livestock Australia Limited (Lane et al., 2015) estimates the total losses per annum due to internal parasites:
Cattle $A93.6 million ($US70m/$EU66m) with production losses ranging from $0.44 - $3.59 per animal
Sheep $A436 million ($US327m/$EU305m) with production losses ranging from $1.29 - $28.29 per animal
Goats $A2.54 million ($US1.9m/$EU1.8m) with production losses ranging from $0 - $5.34 per animal
Separately there is no production loss data for horses but the estimated annual costs of worming ranges from $A15.00 - $120.00 per animal.
Did you know: It has been estimated 10% of the parasite population is within the host animal vs 90% is on the pasture.